The Legacy Collection Convention Exclusive
Item No.: No. 87574
Manufacturer: Hasbro
Number: n/a
Includes: Darth Vader, lightsaber, display base
Action Feature: Push button for lights, about a minute of dialogue
Retail: $19.99
Availability: July 2008
Appearances: The Empire Strikes Back
Image: Adam Pawlus' TV tray.
Bio: "What is thy bidding, my Master?" Darth Vader asks, kneeling respectfully before the holographic image of Emperor Palpatine. They have both felt a great disturbance in the Force; Palpatine believes that Anakin Skywalker's son is the cause. Vader suggests bringing Luke over to the dark side to make him a powerful aly. "He will join us or die," Vader vows to his Master. (Taken from the figure's cardback.)
Commentary: Did you ever pick up an item that just made you mad? While not a horrible abomination, the overpriced Emperor Palaptine in this 2-pack is a good example that, as of last year, Hasbro was pretty confident collectors would buy pretty much anything. Here's a Darth Vader figure offered no fewer than 5 separate times with a large head which, while cool, is also incredibly loud and drones on for a very long time. If you had this thing on your desk at work and someone set it off, you'd probably want to stab someone if anyone did it twice. The item plays the entire dialogue of the scene in which Vader and Palpatine chat in The Empire Strikes Back at deafening levels. It's clear as a bell and a unique technological achievement as far as toys go, but after you try it once you really have no reason to ever look at this again. If you're a fan and not a collector, it's a pretty nifty display piece and, arguably, not bad if it's the only Star Wars item you own. But for people who read columns like this one, it's one more damn thing to waste money on because it offers zero long-term play value like you might get out of, say, a Mon Mothma figure.
As essentially a bust, this item has no articulation, no hands, and no accessories in the sense you may be used to. It's just a big ol' head that plugs into a shiny black base, which sports no foot pegs. (FOR SHAME HASBRO.)
Palpatine is a completely new sculpt and may be separated from the black circle base that Darth Vader
Collector's Notes: This item did not sell out at the show and was in stock at for months after Celebration Japan and Comic-Con 2008. As such, don't pay a premium for it.
--Adam Pawlus