Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 3,113: Princess Kneesaa (Ewoks Cartoon, The Vintage Collection)

Cartoon Version

The Vintage Collection 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure Fan Channel 2-Pack
Item No.:
No. F8300
Manufacturer: Hasbro
Number: #283
Includes: Bola, bag, hood, coin
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $36.99
Availability: October 2023
Appearances: Ewoks

Bio: Clever and courageous, Kneesaa embarks on adventures with her EWOK friends on Endor's forest moon. (Taken from the cardback.)

Image: Adam's photo lab.

Availability: Click here to buy it at Entertainment Earth now!

Click here to buy it at Amazon now!

Click here to buy it at eBay now!

Some of you are going "Wow, it's the first-ever Princess Kneesaa figure!" but it's worth noting Kenner made a few in its preschool line in the 1980s, plus this exact figure was sold as Kneesaa [FOTD #1,868] way back in 2012. But there was a twist - while this figure was in a 2-pack for $37, the original release was in a 5-pack with tons of accessories and newly tooled parts for the wallet-stomping price of *checks notes* $40. Call it inflation or just a bigger reach for wallet share, but this is basically the exact same figure - minus a "movie hood" - but adding a coin and a bag for more than twice the price. Hasbro sold figures with coins for $6.99 in 2007, so while inflation is real, this is another one of those things where fans have to ask if it's worth the price to buy it again. As that set sells for $150-$200 in the box, this is probably going to be your cheaper alternative assuming you don't want the other furballs.

Through gritted teeth, I recommend this to a certain kind of 80s kid who loves Saturday morning cartoons. Hasbro did a decent job painting an existing movie-style figure with cartoon-style deco, even if it means a higher price with far fewer paint ops, accessories, and figures from her previous release.

Kneesaa is essentially Wicket with a new head and a pink hood. This release keeps the same joints and body parts, but drops the dirty fur paint in favor of a cleaner (cheaper) deco and new added dark fur around the eyes. This brings her closer to her cartoon appearance. Hasbro doesn't bother to paint the stitch deco on the hood either, rather just giving us a weird blue line over the top of her head. The blue feathers are still painted, but the plastic is nice and pliable and it feels great. Hasbro also included a reuse of Wicket's bag, which was not originally sold with Kneesaa in 2012.

 She also has some ropes with rocks on them which she can wear. It's not a weapon per se, but it is a carry-over from the aforementioned gift set. I think this version of her does a good job replicating her cartoony fur colors, but it comes with a lot of cost-cutting. As far as I can tell the set sold out cleanly, but I sometimes see them at GameStop stores for roughly retail price. I hesitate to say it's worth $37 because compared to other Hasbro Star Wars product, you're not getting your money's worth. But if you want these characters, there aren't a lot of options on the market and the original releases of these figures will cost you more money. It's a far cry from 2 Ewoks and a Freeze Frame Action Slide for $5.99 in 1998, but it would seem the younger fan (or "child") market is no longer the goal here.

The one thing that may throw the whole price calculous out the window is old-school Kenner coin fans. For an all-new coin, right now, given there may never be another one, this is a hard proposition to poo-poo. I think collectors will probably be fine with this set for the price thanks to the brand-new Kneesaa coin. Since Kenner's original Kneesaa concept never got far enough along to get a prototype coin, we've never seen one of these before. The coin's artwork looked very familiar, and Hasbro, if you're reading - I'll even pay $20 for Kneesaa's coin again if you pack her with that Kenner-style prototype figure, finally produced for the mass market. For some fans money is no object, but it depends on the specific product - if you really like a format or want to add a specific piece to your collection, the one Ewok thing being sold to you from the cartoon series in decades (other than apparel) may be a "shut up and take my money" proposition for you. I had no problem throwing down a couple of Jacksons to get this set, but also, I assume that it is extremely unlikely we'll ever get more 1985 Ewoks or Droids toys before the 40th anniversary in 2025. And if not then, probably not before we die.

Collector's Notes: I got mine from Entertainment Earth.

--Adam Pawlus

Day 3,113: March 5, 2024

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