Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 3,091: Pre Vizsla (The Black Series)

Paz Vizsla is the other guy

The Black Series 2023 Window Box Line Look The Clone Wars Packaging
Item No.:
Asst. E8908 No. F7108
Manufacturer: Hasbro
Number: #17 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Includes: 2 blasters, rocket pack, helmet, Darksaber
Action Feature: Removable helmet, holster holds blasters, there's a hook in the backpack for the Darksaber which does indeed have a removable blade
Retail: $24.99
Availability: October 2023
Appearances: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Bio: Pre Vizsla was governor of Concordia, a moon of Mandalore, during the Clone Wars. Behind closed doors, he led Death Watch, a secret group of commandos seeking control of Mandalore. (Taken from the The Mandalorian box packaging.)

Image: Adam's photo lab.

Availability: Click here to buy it at Entertainment Earth now!

Click here to buy it at Amazon now!

Click here to buy it at eBay now!

Better late than never? I was hoping we'd get this revised version of Pre Vizsla in Hasbro's The Clone Wars line, but he never came to be - but now we have one, and by one I mean two. There's a The Vintage Collection one too, and weirdly, Hasbro is releasing a lot of characters in both (or three) formats all at once lately. How strange. Anyway, Pre Vizsla is a live-action version of a cartoon character which means there is wiggle-room in how he looks... and Hasbro wiggles. The figure uses a lot of old parts. Parts of him come from Jango Fett, a 2016 figure. That figure was retooled to various The Clone Wars Mandalorians in 2020, which means Hasbro slapped on a hew head, new helmet, new belt, new backpack, and new deco, and now gets to charge you $25 for it. (I'm being snarky, if I were in their shoes I'd do the exact same thing since the CG model on the cartoon shared a lot of parts with the existing Death Watch figures.)

I don't love the stiff, old-style double-jointed knees or stiff ankles as it makes it hard to pose the figure, the arm joints are pretty good. You don't get the elbow bends of more recent toys, but at least he can hold his blasters or Darksaber well. I had issues getting him to stand - I'm spoiled by Retro figures - so you might want to get him some support before he topples over. The old body parts don't necessarily work as well as the new, which just continue to improve and impress. The sculpting hasn't improved much, but that's not a knock against it - new parts mesh with old nicely, and the older parts looked pretty fantastic. It's not like the head and helmet look eight years newer - Hasbro has done a pretty consistently great job sculpting heads and armor on these figures from the beginning.

Pre's head has a gnarly scar, painted fuzz, and a pretty good photo real face. How they make a real human out of a cartoon look so convincing, I don't know, but good on them. His helmet looks just like the cartoon, complete with two articulated rangefinders. No complaints. The fit is a little tight but not so tight you won't be able to use it.

For fans of the show and of the character, this is an easy buy. $25 for what is basically way better than any custom you could have made for an existing figure is pretty good, and the compliment of accessories is on the better side of what these figures tend to give us lately. Sometimes you get a blaster, sometimes you get a bunch of stuff, and I have no idea why - but this one gives you pretty much everything you could want in a box for the current standard price. If you ever see it on sale I'd highly recommend it, but for fans wanting the absolute best figures, keep in mind the engineering is a little creaky compared to the new hotness. Thankfully the deco and sculpting are as good as ever, and as I assume most of you will be putting these figures boxed (or unboxed) on a shelf and ignoring them, there's no reason you won't love this one too.

Collector's Notes: I got mine from Entertainment Earth.

--Adam Pawlus

Day 3,091: December 19, 2023

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