Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 3,131: Jar Jar Binks (The Retro Collection)

Just The Way He Was Never Intended!

The Retro Collection 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure Target 6-Pack
Item No.:
No. G0370
Manufacturer: Hasbro
Number: n/a
Includes: Blaster, plus Battle Droid, Qui-Gon Jinn, Queen Amidala, Darth Maul, and Obi-Wan Kenobi
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $59.99
Availability: March 2024
Appearances: The Phantom Menace

Bio: The Star Wars Retro Collection is inspired by 1970s Star Wars figures and features original figure design and detailing! Continue your collection from the galaxy far, far away! (Stolen from the marketing copy. Packaging has no bio.)

Image: Adam's photo lab.

Availability: Click here to buy it at eBay now!

After other recent (and good!) figures of this character, I would not have expected to buy another Gungan. But in The Retro Collection, all things are possible and I got Jar Jar Binks. I would love nothing more than to take a crack at writing a story about him in a post-Empire world, but that's not likely to happen. What is likely to happen is me taking this figure to a bunch of vehicles to see if he'll fit, and thanks to his very long legs it's a mixed bag. He can fit in a Landspeeder or CAP-2 or even (shockingly) the AST-5, but his feet bump into the cannon of the MTV-7 which for some reason still remains on my desk to this day. I don't think that's a failing on anybody's part, he's just a really tall dude.

When translating any new design to the classic Kenner style, it's tough to say if Hasbro did a good job, or not. I think they did a bang-up job of making a good retro-style action figure, but the question we always have to ask is "but when was this figure made?" Is Hasbro tackling the design of a figure that could have came out in 1978 or 1983 or 1985? Usually figures are a pastiche of styles, cribbing details from each era to put something out that's something of an anachronism. For example, Jar Jar's ears being sculpted as big separate pieces is something I don't think you would have seen until 1983 or much later, but the legs having the sculpted "skirt" (and not a cloth one like the 1983 Klaatu figure) is something you could have seen as far back as 1978. The eye are perfectly 1978-ish, but the gripping hand is way better than anything we got in those days. His hands are almost modern, or at least, 1990s-style in terms of how well they grip the Battle Droid blaster. He stands and sits well, like most old figures, and I don't think any modern (read: late Millennial or younger) customer is going to have a problem with it seeming like something really, really old people had as a kid. You know, 40s, 50s, people who have one foot in the grave.

The coloring seems a tiny bit off, and that's where I think Hasbro rightly zagged where Kenner would also have zagged. His skin is molded in dark pink with a light beige for the mouth, nose, and ears - in their position I would have molded in cream and painted pink, but it works well and I don't see any blemishes. Hasbro opted to not include the skin pattern, but most interestingly the colors on Jar Jar figures tend to change a bit. In the movie, his shirt was more of a darker brown, and the vest was often a little darker too. This one has a lighter vest with a lighter brown pants and shirt - it's not as wacky as Walrus Man or Greedo or Hammerhead but it is off-model just enough for me to say "good job." He looks like Jar Jar Binks, but isn't perfect. That's what I want to see here.

Oddly, his hands are pretty much perfect - there's a separately molded trigger finger, which is not the kind of thing you saw from Kenner very much. You might have had fingers wrapped around in a closed loop, but this sort of thing wasn't typical until the 1990s. Also the left hand is interesting in that it's "broken," rotated so it can't hold a weapon and once again looking like something that came out of the 1990s. I can't quite tell what the design decision was here, but it really does seem like a heavily watered-down and somehow better figure than the staff-holding version we got in May of 1999.

Hasbro could've made a $17 (or $25) deluxe Jar Jar Binks in Vintage and it probably would have been great - but this goofball is also really fun. Sure he doesn't have the painted detail we got in 1999, but that's the point. He's a goofy salamander that looks sort of like he might fit in with your old Jabba's Palace or Cantina aliens. I think this is a great way to make me care about some figures I didn't think I would want to buy, and I'd recommend you pick this one up if you liked Kenner toys. Also if anyone out there from Hasbro is reading, consider a wave of Retro dudes for the next Star Wars movie's pre-release line. Don't wait 25 years - off-model figures made from preproduction designs are a blessing in the Kenner line, save authenticity for post-release The Vintage Collection figures.

Collector's Notes: I got my set from Target. It was in a pile of stuff on the "Collectibles" shelves without any real indication as to where it should have been.

--Adam Pawlus

Day 3,131: May 7, 2024

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