Thursday, June 27, 2024

Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 3,149: RG-G1 (The Vintage Collection)

Escape from Order 66

The Vintage Collection Amazon Exclusive 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure
Item No.:
No. G0266
Manufacturer: Hasbro
Number: #324
Includes: n/a
Action Feature: Removable limbs and dome
Retail: $69.99
Availability: May 2024
Appearances: Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Bio: RG-G1 was one of the brave astromech droids who assisted Ahsoka Tano in apprehending Clone Captain Rex when his inhibitor chip was compromised. (Taken from the figure's cardback.)

Image: Adam's photo lab.

Availability: Click here to buy it at Amazon now!

Click here to buy it at eBay now!

It's nice to get something that feels new, even if it isn't. So many new releases are similar to things we already own that it's weird to get a repaint that feels different, and RG-G1 is one of them. The dome is new! I just thought it was an R4 dome on the old body, but it's not. The dark gray body has a black dome and black limbs with black feet, plus a dull gold. It's amazing that between Hasbro and Disney I've got close to a couple dozen of these conehead guys and I'm delighted that I have one that actually feels distinctive.

You've seen so many of these I don't need to tell you that the dome rotates and pops off, and the legs pop off, and you can remove the third leg if you want. You've seen this exact mold (or variations on it) in and out of circulation since 2008 when it was a build-a-droid figure, which makes the price tag of 25% of $69.99 sting a little bit - we got a new dome, but it's still the same toy with no new features or gadgets. Since most people aren't going to open it, that probably doesn't matter - what matters is that it looks good. The pinstriping really pops nicely, those fine lines look superb and the big orange box around the eye really stands out. He even had a big red light on the back of his dome which is what tipped me off to this not being Yet Another R4. You can see new panels, including two big orange ones for his "ears." There's a silver sensor of some sort on the back as well, and I'm impressed that they didn't just reuse an old mold and call it a day. For any cartoon droid coming to live action, I think you've got a license to fudge it and Hasbro didn't. Kudos.

The unique layout and new dome make this one just a bit more exciting and I'm glad to see that they did a good job making it right the first time, or at least, right enough that we're not going to ask for a do-over. I wouldn't necessarily recommend the set at full price, but if it goes on sale it's worth it and from the look of things, they're pretty good figures. I'm still opening them, slowly, so stay tuned for more on these. And get this one if someone broke up the set for some reason.

Collector's Notes: I got mine from Amazon.

--Adam Pawlus

Day 3,149: June 27, 2024

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