Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 3,174: Professor Huyang (Droid Factory)

Star Tours Droid Factory Ahsoka Set
Item No.:
Manufacturer: Disney
Number: n/a
Includes: 3 more droids
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $49.99
Availability: January 2024
Appearances: Ahsoka   

Bio: All different types of droids populate the Star Wars galaxy. Each droid is different and has their own unique personality and colors. These four are featured in Star Wars: Ahsoka. May the Force be with you.... and your Droids! (Taken from the figure's packaging.)

Image: Adam's photo lab.   

Availability: Click here to buy it at eBay now!

Commentary: Both Disney and Hasbro put out Professor Huyang figures at the same time for roughly the same price. Which is better? Probably Hasbro's. Hasbro's is taller and has more accessories - but there are elements that the Disney version has decorated that Hasbro left blank, and vice-versa. Hasbro's figure is almost a head taller than Disney's. It is bizarre, and sensible, that both have similar articulation - Hasbro has the edge with the thigh swivels - but hey, I'm getting ahead of myself. We're talking about the shorter Disney parks release.

Given both cost about the same, Disney's comes up short in more than just the literal way. It's curious to see where each design team put its priorities, as Disney's has a bolted-on backpack without any articulated back arms. Disney did paint the arm joints, though, while Hasbro didn't - and Hasbro gave hte backpack unit itself a little more paint. Hasbro added weathered paint to the legs, but Disney did not - although Disney has panted torso cables, while Hasbro does not. But Disney painted the chest bolt on his right, and the bicep wires, but Hasbro did not. It's extremely difficult to describe one without looking at the other, because neither provides a more authentic, more complete, or more accurate collecting experience. When placed side-by-side it just shows each company elected to cut different corners.

He's skinny, but nor tall, standing roughly 3 3/4-inches and not towering over the Hasbro figures. Scale is always tough to nail down, but I am reading Huyang is about 1.8 meters - so about 6 foot 2 inches. His shoulders swivel, but don't pivot out. The legs swing forward well enough, as his toolbelt seems to have just enough give to allow him to sit. The knees bend, the ankles bend and swivel, the wrists swivel... it's about as well-articulated as the Disney Protocol Droids. Depending on what you are looking for, this figure might have the edge on paint as he has painted hands, metallic deco on his helmet, the aforementioned waist, nipple, and backpack paint, and slightly better painted shoulders with the rings around each arm. By himself, not making size or detail comparisons, Disney did a good job. The sculpt matches the TV show, the expression is good, the yellow optics are bright, and it looks like the droid you're looking for. Depending on your collection needs - especially if all you buy are droids - this might be the best choice for you. The $16.99 Vintage figure offers more Huyang-ness, but this set has three plastic pals who are fun to be with, and I think most collectors will see that as a priority over a data pad or alternate arms.

Since Disney and Hasbro both have competing figures at the same time, with neither having the clear edge - each has unique painted elements the other lacks - I can't say either is better. Hasbro's is probably the right height, with more gear, but Disney's has a lot more front-facing painted details that look good. Neither seems to be quite the right color, though, and if you believe in magic there's a chance they could revisit the character for Ahsoka season 2. (I'll believe it when they announce a release date.) But I digress - Disney's Professor Huyang is good, but since there's another figure against which to compare him, I can't say either is perfect. Flip a coin, with a little more weight toward this one if you want the other Chopper, C4-R4C, and RD-3 figures exclusively in the set with the professor.

Collector's Notes: I got mine from Disney Store.

--Adam Pawlus

Day 3,174: September 24, 2024

1 comment:

  1. I try to collect THE most definitive version of each figure I add to my collection, taking into consideration deco, articulation, and scale. In the case of the two Huyangs, neither seems to be more definitive than the other.
