Thursday, January 30, 2025

Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 3,211 Bo-Katan Kryze (Single, Epic Hero Series)

BO-KATAN KRYZE 2024 Kids Line
Epic Hero Series Basic Figure
Item No.:
Asst. F9405 No. G0143
Manufacturer: Hasbro
Number: n/a
Includes: Darksaber, blaster
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $7.99
Availability: July 2024
Appearances: The Mandalorian   

Bio: A gifted warrior, Bo-Katan Kryze is a legendary Mandalorian who refused to align with the Empire's occupation of Mandalore. (Taken from the packaging)

Image: Adam's photo lab.

Availability: Click here to buy it at Entertainment Earth now!

Click here to buy it at Amazon now!

Click here to buy it at eBay now!

Commentary: This figure isn't that old, but Bo-Katan Kryze was dumped at Ross pretty lickety-dang-split last fall. You could get her for $3.99 or less, and as I write this she's pennies above $3.00 on Amazon - it's a real pity, but understandable. Hasbro's excellent Epic Hero Series styling is in a line that's kind of small, kind of scattered, and divided against itself. Walmart had a nearly identical Bo-Katan Kryze [FOTD #3,179] last year as an exclusive, but in a 2-pack with different gear. Which one is better? Probably the cheaper one, which at this time is this single release. The figure itself is the same between releases - only the gear is changed. If this was on-shelf nearer to The Mandalorian airing new episodes, or was part of a line with more momentum than "two waves in a year," perhaps it wouldn't be quite so cheap. As I said, she's pretty good.

For 3 3/4-inch collectors, she's oddly tall. This line was scaled to 4-inches, which means she and her cohorts are - say it with me - just different enough to make you mad. You can't fit her in some existing vehicles, and it's an odd editorial choice to make unless the intent was to make a kid line that collectors wouldn't want. Which is a shame, because the sculpting is still very good, with crisp - but limited - deco. The amror is very nicely designed and you can see some unpainted elements of her costume, like her holsters and knee pads. She still looks good, especially for the price. You get a blaster (not in the 2-pack) and a Darksaber, both of which fit nicely in her hands. Given that the blaster mold was used in another exclusive set, you might not even want to bother with this one for accessory completism - but I did, because it's a small line and one I assume will not be around in a couple of years.

Lady Kryze stands well, sits without a problem, and has a ball-jointed neck. The arms and legs swivel just like old Kenner figures, making her a fairly stable and sturdy companion on your desk or in your kid's toy box. While I would recommend her to anyone looking for a cheap thrill, I must confess I didn't bother to open her until a couple of weeks ago. I did open the 2-pack version though - the figures were close enough to the same where I probably could have left her carded, as one version of her was sufficient. I did want to let you know to check your local stores for her in case she's on clearance, because for under five bucks pretty much any Star Wars figure is worth your money. Given her season 3-specific Mythosaur pauldron, she might scratch an itch that would let you skip a $16.99 The Vintage Collection too. It's a figure that does a good enough job, but it would appear the market disagrees. Their loss - these figures feel like old Kenner figures, and they're sturdy, and adjusted for inflation they're quite a bargain. I would have liked to have seen this line take off and be something kids buy, but Star Wars does not seem to be their favorite thing this year.

Collector's Notes: I got mine from Entertainment Earth.

--Adam Pawlus

Day 3,211: January 30, 2025


Flembar said...

What is the groovy R2 unit in the back of the photo? Where did that come from?

Adam16bit said...

That is a custom thing I 3D printed and colored in. I'm working on a feature where he should make an appearance soonish.