Thursday, February 6, 2025

Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 3,210: Mae (Assassin, The Retro Collection)

The Retro Collection 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure
Item No.:
No. G0386
Manufacturer: Hasbro
Number: n/a
Includes: Vinyl cape, 2 knives, another 5 figures
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $59.99
Availability: October 2024
Appearances: The Acolyte

Bio: The Star Wars Retro Collection is inspired by the original 1970s Star Wars figures and features original figure design and detailing! Continue your collection from a galaxy far, far away. (Stolen from the marketing copy. Packaging has no bio.)

Image: Adam's photo lab.

Availability: Click here to buy it at Entertainment Earth now!

Click here to buy it at Amazon now!

Click here to buy it at eBay now!

Commentary: A ninja! Well, more or less - for whatever reason we haven't had a lot of figures that make me say that we're dealing with the arts of ninjutsu, or at least its American pop culture ideal, in Star Wars. Mae (Assassin) does a pretty good job of taking a good costume and giving us a compelling figure. Osha [FOTD #3,191] looks great, but Mae - despite being a twin - share zero parts. I assume Hasbro broke some law of toy manufacturing to bring us this much variety. She has two new knives, a vinyl cape, and a lot of sculpted detail.

Mae's hair is secretly amazing. Because of the vinyl cape, her separately molded plastic wig looks like it's the same as Osha. If you slide the cape off, you'll see it's actually a very long piece. The vinyl cape also obfuscates all of Hasbro's hard work sculpting what may be one of the most fascinating costumes in recent Retro memory. She has chain mail under her top, as well as extra armor over her chest for bonus protection. Is it any good against a lightsaber? We'll never know. Her boots are shiny but don't look like there's much going on - but she has enough belts, wristbands, and cloth elements draped over her person to make up for it. There's a mask covering her face, and from behind (sans cape) there are lots of sculpted cloth bits, hair, and other bits and pieces.

New Retro figures tend to eschew inner-leg detail on "gown pants." Most new figures are just flat - but Mae has some exposed pants inside her right leg. I appreciate the extra unnecessary detail because this sort of thing adds cost to a figure, but somehow, did not cause the price of the set to exceed the very fair $60.

Her accessories are good, but not amazing. I wish Hasbro went with a cloth cloak rather than the vinyl cape, but at least the vinyl cape slides off so you can see the fantastic costume. Mine came pre-wrinkled, and I'm a little scared to heat it with a hair dryer or hot water because I haven't tested this material under those conditions. (I should have bought a spare Reva or Grand Inquisitor as a guinea pig.) The stock photos of the vinyl cape look amazing, but the reality is that it feels about as good as any old Kenner plastic accessory. It's thin, it's fine. Her two swords also look good, and both hands can grip without dropping them. In short, Hasbro executed this figure almost to the very best of their ability. The only way I think Hasbro can improve this figure - and indeed future figures - is to get rid of the inner "tray" in the packaging as it seems to distort the vinyl capes and wrinkle them. I haven't seen this happen to actual 1978-1985 Kenner figures - these trays are a menace. Still, even without the cape, this is one of the very best of these figures. I didn't expect to love it - sure it looked cool, but I was continuously impressed the more I looked at her. It's a shame she won't have more stories, but I guess that means I can have her show up pretty much anywhere my toy box can travel.

This is a good figure. Even if you threw your arms up at the show, this is one of those toys I wish I had as a child. Maybe it wouldn't be everybody's favorite, but who wouldn't have wanted a cool Star Wars assassin with all of this detail? The costume is as good as anything we saw out of Jabba's entourage, and it has more textures and materials than just about anything else we got out of Retro in the past few years. I'm not going to recommend this figure to you if you're not on board with The Retro Collection, but I'm going to suggest you pick this set up if Kenner is your jam. She's not a cool alien, that's true - but as human costumes go this may be the best to hit this format. I know you're not going to listen to me, but don't skip this set. Despite it being 50% Jedi, it's still really good.

Collector's Notes: I got mine from Entertainment Earth.

--Adam Pawlus

Day 3,213: February 6, 2025

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