Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 3,220: Dedra Meero (The Vintage Collection)

Debut in this size

The Vintage Collection 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure
Item No.:
Asst. E7763 No. G0905
Number: #346
Includes: Blaster
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $16.99
Availability: January 2025
Appearances: Andor

Bio: Methodical, polished, and ambitious, Dedra Meero embodies the ideals of the Imperial Security Bureau. She is ever vigilant, collecting and analyzing intelligence from across the galaxy. (Taken from the figure's cardback.)

Image: Adam's photo lab.

Availability: Click here to buy it at Entertainment Earth now!

Click here to buy it at Amazon now!

Click here to buy it at eBay now!

My interest in pretty much any Star Wars property goes up the more I can get my head around it - so action figures, trading cards, and guide books help a lot! With Andor season 2 on the horizon and this Dedra Meero figure likely meant to have been to help promote it, hopefully we'll get more merch so more of us can know the names that were sometimes hard to understand in the mix. Getting a figure makes it more interesting to care about the show, and what shelf she might go on makes you actually have some stake in paying attention. Or at least that's been my finding - if there's no figure, it's probably not an important character. (Not that there's anything wrong with obscure background nobodies, I love them too.)

Dedra Meero is good at her job. And she has annoying coworkers... and someone who probably wants to date her, who's a creep, and that takes some doing when you have an entire faction of awful, creepy people. As I write this, the show is set to hit late next month and we'll see if she stays with the Empire, joins the Rebels, or somehow gets blown out an airlock. What we do know is that Hasbro did a nice job translating her costume with plastic, with the top being a consistent white color (that matches Luke from the same wave) with a mostly good paint job, at least on my sample. The belt is left unpainted at the bottom - I assume it's a one-off - but that would mean she shipped to stores so I could see other examples of her. The rank badge and code cylinders look great, and Hasbro once again nailed a tiny pea-sized facial portrait. It's Denise Gough, but tiny!

In terms of articulation, she breaks no new ground and is perfectly fine. The wrists only swivel - there's no bend - and everything else is on par with other recent The Vintage Collection releases. It's great that Hasbro gave her thigh swivels and ball-jointed hips, but with the long tunic she may not be getting much use out of them. Heck, given the lack of vehicles and playsets, I'd argue most of the articulation is superfluous and were it not for the excellent sculpted detail and top-notch face paint, Hasbro could probably have made her with 5 or 10 joints, and most fans would never notice. Some loud ones would - but the bulk of this figure is being sold to adults, who will either never open her packaging or open her, stand her on a shelf, and never so much as look at the figure again. This is no fault of the figure, she's excellent, it's just the nature of the middle-aged collector to demand every last specification imaginable and then probably not make use of any of it. The quality is as good as you can expect to get these days - she even has a blaster!

With Dedra and a lot of streaming show figures, it's kind of unfortunate that they're all collector figures and there are few reasons for any kid to pick them up with the lack of "toy" elements. The glossy boots look good, the plastic selected for the face isn't too pale, and this is a figure that will probably be remembered as one of Hasbro's many excellent executions in this line. It's just that Andor gets such a small roster of figures that I would not be shocked if most fan ignore her, or forget they bought her, just because she's not part of a greater, growing collection. (I'd say "yet" but let's be honest, we're lucky to get 3 figures a year from any movie or streaming series anymore.)

If you're a fan of the show, and you enjoy Hasbro's excellent 3 3/4-inch action figures, I doubt you'll be disappointed with her. The hair is great, the pants are right, all she needs are some similarly dressed coworkers she can probably barely tolerate and you're all set. If she hits a store near you, consider picking her up to add to your hypothetical Andor collection. And/or cross your fingers Hasbro does some Kenner-style Andor or Rogue One figures before you decide to stop buying toys.

Collector's Notes: I got mine from Entertainment Earth.

--Adam Pawlus

Day 3,220: March 4, 2025

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