The Retro Collection 3 3/4-Inch Action Figure
Item No.: No. G0371
Manufacturer: Hasbro
Number: n/a
Includes: Lightsaber, another 5 figures
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $59.99
Availability: November 2024
Appearances: Revenge of the Sith
Bio: The Star Wars Retro Collection is inspired by the original 1970s Star Wars figures and features original figure design and detailing! Continue your collection from a galaxy far, far away. (Stolen from the marketing copy. Packaging has no bio.)
Image: Adam's photo lab.
Availability: Click here to buy it at Amazon now!
Click here to buy it at eBay now!
I'm nitpicking. I'm generally agreeable to whatever Hasbro wants to do here (especially at $10/figure), but I've had enough conversations with fans to see their points of view, too - Kenner figures had surprisingly deeply sculpted and sharp detail. It was simple detail - but it was intricate. This figure's details are mostly softer, as can be seen in his facial scar, but the straps on the backs of his boots are actually quite good. It almost feels like a clash of styles, but hey - it's still a "Kenner" Anakin Skywalker, and no matter if I love it or hate it, I'm going to enjoy playing with it.
The figure gets the job done. If you put this unpackaged figure in front of someone with a familiarity with toys, that person would clock him as a Kenner-flavored Anakin. I don't know if they would guess that it was an official figure. A lot seems ridiculously right. His boots look somewhat digitally sculpted and are maybe a bit too perfect, but the depth on those rings on the backs of his legs look good and they seem sharper than the detail on the rest of the figure. The wrinkles on the pants and sleeves look good, and the hair seems pretty close to what I imagine Kenner would deliver - and even if it's not, you've seen their Han Solo heads. Accuracy is optional. The colors seem pretty good - a few of Hasbro's "Dark Side" Anakin figures seemed paler, like this one - and they even made the decision to include his scar, which I'm not sure if I would have if given this assignment - it was a good move on their part to try it.
Despite his fingers seeming short, they can grip the lightsaber just fine. For long-haul fans, the thought of getting an official release of this lightsaber mold in blue - a legendarily scarce 1983 variant from Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker - for ten bucks seemed impossible, but here we are. Since Hasbro doesn't like doing telescoping lightsabers, I'd say the accessory choice was a sensible one.
Some fans might be put off by the glove - it's missing the metal clips, and it's brown instead of black. I have no problem with "wrong colors," given I own a Walrus Man figure. The lack of sculpted glove detail I'm on the fence about - if Hasbro made this figure based on preproduction drawings and it was "right" based on the concept for the design ca. 2003? It's perfect. If they forgot to put them on there, they whiffed it. I don't know the story, and when you do figures like this it's more about "art" than "authenticity." It's vibes, it's feeling - and I don't think anyone is looking that closely at the glove.
The leather part of his robes feels a little too smooth, a little too shiny, and a little too perfect. There are some folds in most costume photos, and this looks like, well, plastic. Comparing him to figures as far back as 1978, nearly every figure had some folds, wrinkles, or other signs of movement in their plastic "fabric" elements. This may, too, be a design choice on the part of the sculptor - but it also does feel a smidgen undersculpted. It's not bad, the figure has a great belt, but those dark leather bits are plain to a fault. Hasbro's Revenge of the Sith and The Vintage Collection figures had much more "movement," and so did the 1984 mail-in Anakin Skywalker robes. I don't hate it, but I expected a bit more there. His pose is more in line with the "stiffer" figures from early on, with a posture that feels like he's going to have back problems later tonight. It's just a little too perfect.
The arms are fascinating - they seem a little short because of a subtle bend in each elbow, which once again makes me think the sculptor used Bespin Luke as a template. Also interesting, the flesh hand is kind of odd. This isn't a knock - Kenner had some weird left hands, with flesh paint that sometimes went over the wrist a bit onto the sleeve and looked like a glove. Mine seems to have a bit of this, which I appreciate mostly for a sense of Kenner authenticity. (Was it the factory's intent? Probably not.) It seems a little thick and a little fake, but I'd say the same about most Lobot action figures I've seen. (And brother, I've seen a lot of Lobot figures.) If I'm right and the figure's posture and arms were based on Bespin Luke, I'd like to encourage Hasbro to stop using him as a template.
I like the head sculpt - hair is hard to get right, especially Hayden Christensen's. Hasbro opted to Kenner-ize his hair by making it a bit tamer (like Luke's figures) but keeping it a bit longer and a hint of waviness in the back. I think they got it. His face is basically good, but one of the eyes on mine has some weirdness in the paint, and since I can't just buy Anakin I'm not sure if I can get it replaced. If this set goes on sale, I'll buy a second one. If looks like the eyes are good on most figures - but could be better on mine. The designer's intent was in the right place, as is Anakin's scar. It might be too shallow, too subtle here - I feel Kenner would have made it a bit deeper just to ensure it shows up. If Hasbro left it off, I might not necessarily miss it.
Given Hasbro only made three Revenge of the Sith figures for this collection, I think they made some good choices - but also, none of them are amazing. Anakin looks close. Grievous has a great feature, but has a paint job that feels very modern, and those split arms feel like they could never be done by 1980s Kenner. The Clone could be better. But I can believe that this Anakin went through some revisions and someone, somewhere, really wanted to make him look and feel like something Kenner could have put out around the time of The Empire Strikes Back. I wouldn't throw it back. For the price, I'm happy with it. I also would love to needle Hasbro to consider making Obi-Wan Kenobi (ROTS) in this style someday. (Perhaps in 2025, for Revenge of the Sith's 20th anniversary, maybe after they get to Vlix for Droids' 40th. Neither of these things will happen, of course.)
Collector's Notes: I got mine from Hasbro Pulse.
--Adam Pawlus
Day 3,222: March 11, 2025