The Black Series 3 3/4-Inch Basic Figures
Item No.: Asst. A5077 No. A5252
Manufacturer: Hasbro
Number: Black Series #19
Includes: Jango Fett's helemt, lightsaber (lit), lightsaber (hilt)
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $10.99
Availability: December 2013
Appearances: The Clone Wars
Bio: Mace Windu is a Jedi Master known for his wisdom as well as his excellent skill in Lightsaber combat. (Taken from the figure's cardback.)
Image: Adam's photo lab.
Availability: Click here to buy it at Entertainment Earth now!
Commentary: I like this Mace Windu figure a lot, but before I continue I just want to say how much I dislike the packaging one last time. It's so bland, uninviting, and generally doesn't upsell the consumer on another figure. It's a real dead end and with Toy Fair just weeks away I'm really hoping Hasbro retires this style for 3 3/4-inch individually packaged action figures. I bet this template would look awesome on window boxes with diorama backgrounds, though! Anyway, let's talk Mr. Windu.
He's pretty good! The base figure is a retooled 2007 Mace Windu from the 30th Anniversary Collection, down to the copyright dates. In other words, for Mace Windu alone, this mold has been retooled no fewer than 2 times. The arms are the area with the real upgrade this time, as the 2011 Vintage release gave us the partially cloth robes. I think the head is a new sculpt, as the skin tone is different and the figure has no eyebrows this time around. The robes are a more desaturated color, and the most exciting addition of all are his bend-and-swivel wrists. This little upgrade makes this the best Mace Windu figure in terms of mobility, as he has no real problems sitting either. Hasbro did a really nice job exploiting its current tooling library to make something that, at first glance, looks and feels new.

Collector's Notes: I am hearing this figure is hitting Walmart stores. I got mine at Entertainment Earth in a wave 3 case. At this time I have not seen evidence of this figure on my local store pegs, but as I'm fond of telling others it's very easy for one single collector to purchase 100% of the evidence that any case had arrived in a store when figures all debut at 1 per box.
--Adam Pawlus
Day 2,076: January 13, 2014
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