Star Wars Rebels Mission Series The Ghost Toys R Us Exclusive
Item No.: No. B0315
Manufacturer: Hasbro
Number: n/a
Includes: Helmet, Kanan Jarrus figure, Obi-Wan Kenobi figure
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $19.99
Availability: September 2014
Appearances: Star Wars Rebels
Bio: Born the day the Galactic Empire was founded, Ezra Bridger has been a lone rebel for his entire life. That is, until he crosses path with Kanan Jarrus and discovers a mysterious hologram from a Jedi named Obi-Wan Kenobi. What secret will be revealed? (Taken from the figure's packaging.)
Image: Adam's photo lab.
Commentary: I do not anticipate I will have warm fuzzies for Ezra Bridger after watching the show. The heroic young scamp isn't my favorite archetype, when I was a kid I was much more interested in the Lukes and Venkmans of the world, people my own age would not have been appealing role models to me. I hope he turns out well - the character was intended to be the same age as Luke Skywalker, but I was surprised to read on the bio that he's the exact same age. The fact that his weapon is a slingshot is, well, it's certainly cloying but it wasn't included here. Instead, he has two hands ready for weapons, but only sports a helmet from an AT-DP pilot. I absolutely adore the idea of a character that steals enemy hardware for a variety of reasons - because our collector ilk is represented, and because it makes toys interesting. It's expensive to make new ships - so why not let the good guys steal TIE Fighters and paint on a symbol saying "My other starship is also stolen" on the bumper? I like this line of thought.
He's wearing a suit that is, to say the least, piecemeal. Let's say Punky Brewster meets Star Wars. His right shin seems covered in McQuarrie-inspired Imperial armor, while his left leg seems like normal pants. His orange suit recalls that of the future Rebel pilots, and the vest with sleeves... I have no idea if I should be reading into this one bit. But the back of it has a swell bird-like symbol on it, and I'm surprised Hasbro is going through the trouble to make these figures look good from all angles. We don't get a ton of detail due to the animation style, but it seems the important stuff is all here. His left wrist has a communicator of some sort, with silver buttons and a brown cuff - it's nice. It's real nice.

--Adam Pawlus
Day 2,100: September 17, 2014