Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Star Wars Figure of the Day: Day 3,162: 3PO Protocol Droid (Gold, Droid Factory)

PROTOCOL DROID Gold with Yellow Optics
Star Tours Droid Factory Customizable Figure
Item No.:
Manufacturer: Disney?
Number: n/a
Includes: n/a
Action Feature: Removable limbs
Retail: $12.95
Availability: April 2017
Appearances: n/a 

Bio: The 3PO-series protocol droid, also known as the 3PO-series protocol unit, was a model of protocol droid produced by Cybot Galactica sometime prior to the Invasion of Naboo. (Stolen from Wookieepedia.)

Image: Adam's photo lab.   

Availability: Click here to buy it at eBay now!

Commentary: It's not C-3PO, he doesn't have a red arm or a silver leg. This Gold Protocol Droid will, for most kids who built one, be their C-3PO toy. It's more or less how he looks in The Last Jedi and later The Rise of Skywalker, neither of which were released when this figure came out - but we didn't notice when we were kids, and it's possible the fact that he's all gold wouldn't bother them, either. Proper C-3PO figures from Kenner didn't have a silver leg until 1997, and generally speaking I didn't hear many complaints.

It's just like the other 3PO Protocol Droid builds - same molds, sort of like the Hasbro figure, and you could put together whatever parts you wanted. I kind of wish they would bring them back, only with no new parts, because I don't think I can manage tracking down more theme park exclusives that rely on chance when I live in another state. Like C-3PO, this figure has gold plating and yellow optics. The same basic design was used for See-Threepio [FOTD #2,387] when Disney made a 2-pack with added orange dirt and a silver leg. For those who need all the variants, there's another one you forgot to buy. It's a nice figure too, but the dirt is odd. This unnamed gold droid might do the job better, depending on what job you are looking to do.

You can remove the head, arms, and legs, and the figure has a decent range of motion. Swivel wrists, bend-and-swivel ankles, bend-and-swivel knees and elbows, and even a waist that can pivot a bit. It's not amazing, but it's good enough. C-3PO was always a little stiff thanks to the costume, so a figure that can match his body language is arguably better than one with too many joints. It only falls short in that it can't sit well thanks to the hips being restricted from swinging forward fully, and obviously we know C-3PO can sit. We've seen Return of the Jedi. But I digress - for a generic gold droid to fill your displays, this is a nice figure. For $13, I'd say it was good if maybe a smidgen expensive, and at secondary market prices you might not want to pick him up. Unless you're out of other things to buy, which you may be depending on how much you are enjoying Disney+ content product these days.

Collector's Notes: I got mine from Disney Hollywood Studios. Thanks Shannon!

--Adam Pawlus

Day 3,162: August 13, 2024

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