The Legacy Collection Build-A-Droid Figure (Wave 6)
Item No.: Asst. 87535
Manufacturer: Hasbro
Number: n/a
Includes: n/a
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: n/a
Availability: April 2009
Appearances: Star Wars
Bio: U-3PO, also known as Yoo-Threepio, was a 3PO-series protocol droid created by Cybot Galactica prior to the Battle of Yavin. U-3PO served in the Diplomatic Corps of the Royal House of Alderaan during the Galactic Civil War. (Stolen from Wookieepedia.)
Image: Adam Pawlus' bathroom. The silver version is pictured.
Commentary: Behold, arguably the best new sculpt to come out of the build-a-droid program. The saddest thing about U-3PO is that Hasbro seemingly discontinued the build-a-droid gimmick before they could repaint it, because this would have made for the best C-3PO ever. Sadly, this was not meant to be-- yet at least-- and the resulting silvery figure will likely be remembered as the finest movie-based protocol droid mold money can buy. With the full 14 points of articulation, it's pretty much perfect. Short of giving him a ball-jointed head, really, what could you possibly do to make this figure better? The paint is gorgeous, the eyes are colored perfectly, the pose is fantastic, and the figure basically looks and feels like it may have stepped right out of a galaxy far, far away. Surely someone will find something to fault with this figure, but as far as I can tell Hasbro has yet to do this style of robot better. I dig it, and I'm sure you will too. Be sure to get one, it is absolutely worth the hassle (and I'd argue expense) of building.
Collector's Notes: This figure was released in two colors-- a silver paint job, and a champagne one. It's very difficult to tell which is which unless you know what to look for or can compare them side-by-side. The silver release was first, and was quickly corrected. His pieces were scattered across multiple figures, and his "wave" focused on The Empire Strikes Back. Take care if trying to assemble a silver figure by buying up pieces via the web, assume that the sellers don't know silver from champagne because odds are they won't. Cross your fingers that Hasbro reuses and repaints this mold.
--Adam Pawlus
Agreed 100 percent. This is the best, most accurate Threepio sculpt in the 4" line. They finally nailed the proportions to the point where it actually looks like a person wearing a costume as it should. Shame it's stuck in the BAD line. Hopefully they'll resurrect it again someday. I was lucky enough to find parts for a complete version of each color - the silver makes a great TC 14 or E-3PO.
Does anyone out there know who portrayed the silver spy droid U-3PO (Yoo-Threepio)in the Capture of TantiveIV opening sequence of A New Hope? I've searched high & low. The only thing I can guess... is that it's Wendy Leech, C3PO's stunt double. I cant' guess though... I need to be certain. Any help out there?
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