Galaxy of Adventures 5-Inch Droid 3-Pack
Item No.: No. E3118
Manufacturer: Hasbro
Number: n/a
Includes: 3 figures
Action Feature: n/a
Retail: $14.99
Availability: October 2019
Appearances: The Rise of Skywalker
Bio: BB-8, sometimes spelled and pronounced Beebee-Ate and nicknamed BB, was a BB-series astromech droid who operated approximately thirty years after the Battle of Endor. (Stolen from Wookieepedia. Packaging has no bio.)
Image: Adam's photo lab.
Availability: Click here to buy it at Entertainment Earth now!
Click here to buy it at Amazon now!
Commentary: While initially the darling of Disney's reign of Star Wars, the once invincible BB-8 went from being the selling point to toys across all price points to a lesser, former cute character. Baby Yoda stole his lunch before The Rise of Skywalker hit theaters, but fans moved on pretty quickly - by 2018, new takes on RC droids and playsets and all sorts of goodies. This 3-pack was a nifty innovation for the final saga sequel, giving you 3 pretty good figures for $15.
BB-8 doesn't do much - but these figures typically don't do a lot. He has a springy flat base below the round ball, which has been great to serve as a sort of a kickstand to prevent him from rolling off of a flat surface. The very clean droid has a head with a giant eye to make the figure appear cuter, and he sports a lone ball joint a the base of his dome. He can look up and down and all around... and that's it. There are no vehicles in which to mount him, no playsets to make use of the "foot," or anything like that. It's just a good-sized, decent-looking, and certainly A-OK take on the droid.

Collector's Notes: I got mine from Entertainment Earth.
--Adam Pawlus
Day 2,673: March 17, 2020
1 comment:
He has an action feature! You can pull the tool bays out on opposite sides and there are grapnel lines that will spring back into position when you press him down onto his flat base! He's more fun thn you thought, right?
I love this line and would love to see more releases trickle out. :)
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